Bsc. in Computer Science and Engineering

Brac University

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Brac University in January 2022. Brac University is the most reputed private university in Bangladesh. Moreover, BRAC University has ranked in the QS World University ranking among the 1001-1200 universities globally. It is widely known for it's outstanding School of Data Science and has incredible research oppurtunities which is why I chose to study BSc. in Computer Science and Engineering here.

For the degree we had to complete 136 credits hours where 4 credit hours for final thesis. The couses I enjoyed the most were Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems and Mordern Probability Theory and Stochastic. Hence I have developed an immense interest in the field of machine learning, computer vision and data science. I am also passionate about Blockchain technology mainly because of the security it offers hence chose to work with it in my undergraduate thesis.


My undergraduate thesis topic was " A Decentralized Employee Performance Appraisal Framework for Recruitment, Performance Prediction and Ranking using Permissioned Blockchain and Ensemble Learning"

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Awards and Scholarships

During my first year I was awarded 50% Previous Academic Results based Scholarship from Brac University. During my second year I was eligible to be awarded 75% Merit Based Scholarship and I got it every semester since Spring 2019 as my CGPA was greater than 3.95. These scholarships not only helped me financially but also motivated me do better than before every semester and kept my moral high.